AFL Victoria Return to Small Outdoor Group Training Protocols

AFL Victoria Return to Small Outdoor Group Training of up to 10 People Protocols


Following the Victorian State Government advice around the return of community sport, AFL Victoria is endorsing a return to club sanctioned small outdoor group training at community football level from Monday 25, provided participants follow the relevant Victorian State Government guidelines and AFL Victoria’s COVID-19 guidelines are implemented.

With the release of the AFL Victoria protocols for returning to training being released recently, there is a general assumption that we can and are able to resume on the dates mentioned.

While we are all keen for a return to local football, the safety and well-being of our participants is our number one priority. Returning to play in a safe, hygienic and controlled manner is paramount to all.

For this, we need everyone’s cooperation.

It must be understood, that our club will not take any unnecessary risk to rush back, and in fact, we won’t actually even be allowed, until we have been given approval by our governing body, the EDFL and Moreland Council.

Now to be given approval, there are several prerequisites our clubs must meet before we are actually cleared to open training.
This will place more strain and workload on our already overworked and understaffed volunteers than ever before.
It is easy to say, “this is not my problem”, however, after not having football the last couple of months, now more than ever we realise the importance of community sport and the importance of volunteers.
Now is the perfect time to put your hand up and go the extra step to ensure our club can cope with the extra demands we will face.

Our volunteers must now also undergo extra training and we must have registered COVID-19 safety officers on hand at every session.

We are pleading to anyone who can also volunteer, in this role, or in any other way, to complete the course and email your confirmation to

Below is the link to the online training each club is required to complete as part of the protocols, which takes around 15 minutes to complete.…/covid-19-infection-control-trai…

If you can please help in any other way, also contact the club to the same email or by phone on 0417326828 and help our club get back in motion as safely as possible.
We will need your help more than ever.

It must also be noted, we will not tolerate anyone (player, official, volunteer or parent) who does not cooperate with the protocols released.

It is in everyone’s best interest to read the guidelines that have been released to familiarise themselves as to what is expected.

With training numbers restricted to 10 people per one half of a ground at a time, it has almost become a privilege to be allowed to train, so anyone not cooperating will be removed from training permanently.

Sanctions can and will be applied to individuals and clubs who are in breach of the protocols, so we will be taking a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to anyone in breach.

Some key points from these protocols are;

- Get in, Train, Get out. No groups are to gather before and after training, as to allow time for changeovers for other groups to train.
- Strictly no contact, including; no high fives, handshakes or any physical contact.
- 1.5m social distancing at all times.
- Ovals divides into 2 distinct areas where groups of 10 players are allowed in one half of the ground, plus the required helpers. Guardians must stay off the ground and maintain social distancing.
- Staggered training schedules (eg; different start times, different days, different locations) with no crossovers.
- No access to change rooms/showers. Toilets only will be opened
- Footballs allowed but no other equipment except for marking cones and must be wiped down with antibacterial wipes prior to and after each session.
- Alcohol based hand sanitisers to be used to clean hands before, during and after training.
- No sharing of personal items such as water bottles, food or towels.
- Players and coaches must not spit or clear nasal passages.
- Players to be responsible for their own strapping if required.
- No player massages.
- No Auskick at this stage.
- Any necessary meetings to occur using video technology

Our COVID Safety Officer must also ensure some things such as;

- All players, coaches and officials are aware of the ‘Return to Small Outdoor Group Training Protocols.
- Taking any immediate steps to correct and identify any breaches of the protocol.
- Implementing and maintaining training logs/registers.

For this, we require everyone’s cooperation, and as mentioned, we will not tolerate anyone not doing their bit.

AFL Victoria has recommended a MINIMUM of one week preparation and education phase to ensure clubs undertake the necessary preparations prior to small outdoor group training.
At this stage, we have not set a date for a return to training, so we ask everyone for their patience in this matter.
Ideally, we would like to be back by the second week of June, but this has not been confirmed.
We understand people are keen to get back to what they love, but we will not take any risks.

We do encourage everyone to read the AFL Victoria issued Return to Small Outdoor Group Training of up to 10 People Protocols on their website.

This will only help everyone understand what is expected that little easier, and make our return to training as safe as possible.

We will keep you updated when we are confident we have everything in place and after we have been given the all clear.


The Northern Saints Committee